I often get asked ‘how young is too young to start private lessons’? And the answer is – it really depends! Whilst some believe that school age is the right time to introduce private lessons to your child, there are some circumstances when it is perfectly fine for a younger child to start learning an instrument.
The different types of classes available to children under 5 can fall into three main categories:
- Early childhood: aimed at the 0-3 age group and focus on enjoyment of music through singing and movement
- Pre instrumental: group classes that involve percussion instruments and develop pitch, beat, form and tempo. Usually for ages 3 – 8
- Private instrumental: one on one lessons that focus on developing skills on a particular instrument. Often for ages 5 + however in some circumstances may also be beneficial for preschoolers
If you’re wondering whether your preschooler is ready for private lessons, this blog will give you some indication of the signs that they may do well with having one on one lessons.
When considering whether to start your preschooler on private lessons, you should also take into consideration the ways in which it will benefit them as they transition into school. Here are 5 ways that music lessons can help your preschooler.
1. Enhances the development of fine motor skills
We’ve discussed previously the specific ways in which music lessons can improve your child’s fine motor skills. Poor fine motor skills can lead to a myriad of issues such as poor behavior through frustration, reduced academic performance due to not being able to write properly with a pen or pencil, low self-esteem and refusal to persist or even try new tasks that may be challenging.
Giving your preschooler’s fine motor skills a boost will only have a positive impact on their transition to school.
2. Can help with other skills such as memory and language
There have been numerous studies undertaken that show how music helps create a child that is more likely to have academic success. One of the reasons is that children exposed to music at a young age have the opportunity to practice memory and retention skills. Being able to remember and retain information is a valuable life skill to learn as your preschooler starts school.
3. Less fear in trying something new
As adults we tend to show reluctance to try something new due to fear of failure. Children have an innate ability to keep trying something until they eventually get it. They aren’t usually worried about what people think of them and their attempts. This lack of perfectionism at a young age makes it a perfect time to introduce an instrument to them through private lessons. When they fail, but keep trying with gentle persistence from our teachers, they are also building the foundations of resilience in their lives.
4. Encourages life long learning
Private music lessons for preschoolers involve so much more than just learning how to play an instrument. It teaches identifying beats in music, the melody, how different instruments work together (many of our teachers are accomplished in more than one instrument and play along with the students), letters and numbers as well as discipline and taking instruction. All of these will help your preschooler when they start school and encourage them to seek out new opportunities for learning.
5. Sense of achievement and confidence
A child who can master a task gains a sense of achievement and increased confidence. Once again, this helps build resilience in your preschooler and ensures that they have the ability to tackle tasks that may seem a little daunting or difficult at first. This is especially important as they move into school where they will often be challenged both in and out of the classroom.
So, whilst traditionally many families wait until their child is school age before starting private lessons, there are benefits to starting earlier with your preschooler. Feel free to contact us if you are in doubt as to the whether your preschooler is ready for private lessons. Together we can discuss whether you and your child are ready.